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Who are we?

NTNUI Sailing is a sub group of NTNUI. We are responsible for providing sailing activities to students at NTNU. The group has five keel boats, four Ynglings and one Melges24.

NTNUI Sailing was founded a long, long time ago. Since then we have been competing both internationally and nationally on all levels. We offer practices, coaching, competitions and social gatherings for experienced and not so experienced sailors.

Our boats

The four Ynglings, Ari, Martha, Emma Tallulah and Maud Angelica, are frequently used by our eager members. The yngling is a three person keel boat with jib, main and spinnaker. These boats are perfect for beginners gives you the opportunity to grow as a sailor. Earlier they were used in the Olympics, and is still a large class boat in many societies around the world. Read more about the Yngling here.

Melges24 is a more advanced class that suites sailors with more experience. This is a four-five person keel boat with main, furling jib and an a-symmetric spinnaker. It is complex and more demanding to sail, but provides a broader spectrum of possibilities. The boat is transportable which allows us to represent NTNUI throughout the country. Read more about the Melges24 here.

We offer a great possibility to get better at keel boat sailing and the opportunity to join some of the coolest regattas in Norway.

Our members

Our members consist of everything from world class sailors to beginners and the only thing required to join is an urge to learn and become a better sailor. We appreciate diversity and strive to offer sailing to as many people as possible. Go to “become member” to read about how you can take part in the fun.